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Enough Science, Gimme Some Truth: Part II
By Jason Holland and William Hawes
“…the uncontrolled growth of technology destroys the vital sources of our humanity. It creates a culture without a moral foundation. It undermines certain mental processes and social relations that make human life worth living.”
Neil Postman, Technopoly
Continuing on the ideas presented in Part I of this essay found here, we noted how science resembles something more of a subjective cult rather than an objective process of do-goodery, which is how it presents itself to the public. “Science(™)” operates like any industry, yet has been elevated to the status of a religion known as scientism. The faithful fall in line as soon as they hear the word science coming from overeducated, over-propagandized individuals sporting a PhD by their name; a designation given to them from institutions that must conform to standards set by corporate-captured academia and the agendas of corrupt nation states.
Science today has become little more than an appendage of capitalism. Wherever capitalism goes, science follows dutifully. Whether one dubs it “industrial science”, “applied science”, or whatever other moniker you prefer, contemporary science cannot function without requisite technology which is secured through the profit motive. That is to say, ruthless exploitation and…